Friday, February 11, 2011

Week 3

SO.  Less than a week until my jury.  How is this happening so fast?!  I fee like I'm less prepared for this recital jury than I was for my Junior one.  Though my jury for my Junior recital was about a month later than this one.  I'm trying not to let the stress from everything get to me but it's been tricky.  Unrelated stress is causing the most havoc.  Still, I know that when the time comes I will be ready.  4 more songs left to do for program notes which I view as a good step in the right direction.  Practicing this week was productive.  I worked mostly on the new songs and all the little spots that are tripping me up.  On a good note, my eye has pretty much stopped twitching!  It had been going for about 3 days.  The potassium trick worked!  Now I've jinxed it...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are "sans" twitch. Lady, you are golden. Your prima senior recital will be even better than the junior recital because of two things---you are singing more technically accurate now than ever before, and you are singing with such a greater connection to the text now than you have ever before. Hold on to the positive aspects of this journey, rather than stressing over the not-so-great happenings. You memorize lightening fast, and even if the jury is not perfect, don't sweat it! Keep a positive outlook, keep listening to your recordings, and keep singing with that beautiful resonance and space you have! Let me know if I can help in any way, Katie.
